Shock Collar Question - September 8

Photo: Getty Images

For every dominating dynasty there is an underdog ready to shock the world. The iPod reigned supreme until a peppy little MP3 player called the “Microsoft ZUNE” hit the market and changed the game FOREVER. 

American Idol had superstars like Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood before a big haired Sanjaya Malakar debuted and took the world by storm.  

But Maybe the biggest underdog of them all…. Deuce Bigelow - The European Gigolo part 2.... yes, the first movie was horrible... but a sequel shortly afterwards??? The producers should be in prison.... but never the was released.... and the fact that it even saw the light of no small feat of greatness.... 

Thats why I have hope..... for our own show's underdog... Brooke Fox....who has performed horribly in a trivia game she actually SHOULD be good at! Will she shock the world today and top her nemesis Young Jeffrey? 

We're about to find out in the game we know and love called..... 

Clocker Shocker!

For those of you scoring at home, each host will have 20 second to quickly answer as many trivia questions as possible, and the person with the most right answers at the end will have control of the Clocker Shocker, and they get to pick who gets zapped.

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