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200-Person Fight Club Broken Up In New York City

Authorities in New York City busted up an underground fight club in the Bronx on Saturday (November 14) night. The New York Sheriff's Office responded to a warehouse and found over 200 people gathered for the event, organized by "Rumble in the Bronx."

When officers entered the building, they observed crowds of people watching amateur fighters squaring off against each other in the dimly-lit, smokey warehouse.

"Patrons were also observed drinking alcohol, smoking, hookah, and not wearing face coverings while failing to social distance," the sheriff's office said in a statement.

Two illegal firearms and "a significant amount of marijuana" were seized by the deputies. The organizers of the event were taken into custody and are facing multiple charges.

According to WNBC, Rumble in the Bronx CEO Michael Roman was one of the ten people arrested and is facing eight charges, including unlawful assembly and conducting a prohibited combat sport.

Rumble in the Bronx ignored the first rule of Fight Club by having an active social media presence. They have posted advertisements for underground fight clubs in multiple cities across the country. They have also shared photos and videos of fights, including one that appears to be going on inside of a bodega.

Photo: New York City Sheriff's Office