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Everyone is participating in today's Shock Collar Question!
Each of you will be given a question about how people prefer their food or drinks and you’ll need to tell me the correct answer… if you do, your dessert today is on the house. But if you don’t… you’ll be filled full of grass-fed, organic electricity while singing a song.
Alexis… When drinking wine, these survey respondents said that 60% of them prefer Red Wine to White wine… is the real number higher or lower?
Brooke… 45% of chili eaters say they prefer Chili WITH beans as opposed to without. Is that real number higher or lower?
Jose… When it comes to chicken wings… 52% of people say they want bones in their wings rather than boneless. Is that real number higher or lower?
Finally… Jeffrey. On the subject of Peanut Butter… This survey said 56% of people prefer Creamy peanut butter to crunchy. Is that real number higher or lower?
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