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Shock Collar Question - January 10

Zoo keeper with group of children at rhino exhibit

Photo: Getty Images

The other day I was chatting with my close personal friend & world-famous recording artist… Khalid…. And he told me: “Jake, the key to a Hot Date Night is… Location, Location, Location.” And I said to him.. “You know what K-dog? That makes a lot of sense…. you should write a song with that title”…. And then we laughed & laughed….. I wonder what ever happened with that?

Anyway… later that night, i was looking up hot date spots… and came across a survey... asking 1,000 people “Where might a man take you on a first date, that would PREVENT HIM from getting a second date?”

And I have the Top 4 Responses in front of me… We’re gonna “focus on Communicating” the right answers…  in brand new edition of Unglued Family Feud.