It’s a NEW ERA…. we’re trying this out, cuz Brooke & Alexis managed to COMPLETELY RUIN Impersonations for us… from now until eternity.
We’ve actually been sent Cease & Desist Letters from EVERY Single ACTOR, SINGER & POLITICIAN on Earth… ALIVE AND DEAD… So Good Work Ladies!
Thats why today, we have to pivot… to a brand NEW game….called: Plenty of Twenty…. It’s a competition requires ZERO vocal talent, hardly any skill and little to NO knowledge of Anything important…
And for most people it’s pretty simple… but for THIS GROUP, I’ll explain the rules like you’re 4 year olds…
So I have a list of the TOP 20 something’s (like: the TOP 20 Favorite Donuts)… We’ll go around the room, and have you each name ANYTHING off the list… (for example, if you say “BEAR CLAW” - and thats #12 - you got it right & you’re STILL IN)… if you’re wrong… your out…
AND…. if you’re lucky enough to guess the #1 ANSWER and you hear THIS SOUND… that’s THE SILVER SAVE… which goes in your back pocket… and if you get one wrong LATER… it’ll save you from Elimination…
And of course…. Last person left, WINS.
So lets get started… your TOP PLENTY OF 20 LIST FOR THE DAY IS…. The Top 20 Largest Restaurant Chains by AMOUNT of locations in the US…
Make sure to subscribe to us on iHeartRadio, or anywhere you get your podcasts so you never miss an episode!