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Shock Collar Question - May 21

Master Yoda

Photo: jpgfactory / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

Jeffrey… Correct, you are… Throats being Shocked Time… it Is…

I know you’re all probably thinking… “Did Jake drink too much out of Brooke’s Mystery Thermos today???"… No, i’m talking like this, because it’s National Yoda Day!

And back in 1980, when Star Wars producer George Lucas first created Yoda… he intentionally didn’t want the audience to know much about him (not even what alien species he is)… Because that would take away from the mystery of the character

So today - we’re gonna RUIN that mystery - by learning a lot more about the Little Wise Green Jedi… in a special… AWOKEN FORCE EDITION of Plenty of Twenty… 

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