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Shock Collar Question - January 13


Photo: AFP

Our show’s been around for a long time, and we only have LEGIT beef with 3 people…. Black Eyed Peas front man, Apl.De.ap… who refused to give Brooke an Interview when she spotted him at Disneyland

Michael B. Jordan - for blocking Alexis on DMs & giving her a restraining order …. You restrain ONE of us, you restrain ALL of us! 

And of course... the morning show’s sworn Arch nemesis… Julia Louis Dreyfus (aka: Elaine from Seinfeld)

Months ago, we were in a close battle with her, for 27th place on the Spotify Comedy Podcast Charts… and even though we've LONG SINCE overtaken her (she still continues to be a thorn in this show's side) 

But, today IS her birthday…. So in honor of keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer... we're doing a special: JLD Edition of Plenty of Twenty

Make sure to subscribe to us on iHeartRadio, or anywhere you get your podcasts so you never miss an episode!