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Brooke and Jeffrey In The Morning

Hear Brooke & Jeffrey every morning! Listen to their hilarious Phone Taps, Second Date, and more!Full Bio


Shock Collar Question - January 23

Silly camel face

Photo: Edwin Remsberg / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Who could forget on this day, back in 2018…. CAMEL GATE - when 12 Camels in Saudi Arabia, got disqualified from a Camel Beauty Pageant, for having botox injections in their lips

That ACTUALLY happened… and afterwards, Brooke went online & body-shamed all 12 of those camels on Twitter… 

But “Under the Table Camel Botox" is just ONE SHAMEFUL ENTRY... in the Long List of “Infamous Scandals” that have rocked our world. 

Today, you’ll be quizzed on more… during a special: “LIE SPEWERS & WRONG-DOERS” Edition of Plenty of Twenty.

Make sure to subscribe to us on iHeartRadio, or anywhere you get your podcasts so you never miss an episode!